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Is it correct to say "the symptoms of a side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임..."?

Anonymous |2013년12월5일 | 조회수 17,939

Knowing now, thanks, that a symptom refers to an endogenous disease and a side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임 refers to treatment i.e. medication, I want know if it is correct to say that I have symptoms from a side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임, or symptoms from a was a side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임 from the medication I took? Thanks.

That’s an interesting question. While the side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임s of any drug or treatment are essentially symptoms of an adverse drug reaction, this fact is quite obvious to any reader who sees the term “side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임s.” Thus, there is no need to say “symptoms from a side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임”; you can simply use “side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임s” instead to convey the same meaning. Using this logic, the sentence you have provided can be rewritten as “I experienced side 카지노 슬롯머신 게임s from the medication I took.” I hope this answers your query.


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