카지노 정팔ship is a much-disputed issue that even senior researchers are not entirely clear about. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) has provided a set ofguidelinesmeant to help researchers decide whether a contributor qualifies to be an 카지노 정팔 or should be just be included in the acknowledgements section of a manuscript. According to these guidelines, an 카지노 정팔 should have:
- substantially contributed to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data
- drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content, and
- provided final approval of the version to be published.
Most biomedical journals now require 카지노 정팔s to conform to ICMJE 카지노 정팔ship guidelines and even ask for a detailed description of each 카지노 정팔’s contribution.
In your case, the senior post-doc should be credited as a co-카지노 정팔 because he has made significant intellectual contribution to your study by suggesting experiments and helping you analyze the data. However, contributors who only provide technical help, lab space, reagents, or writing assistance do not fulfill the 카지노 정팔ship criteria and should not be included as 카지노 정팔s. Thus, the contribution of your collaborator is not sufficient for him/her to be credited as an 카지노 정팔; instead he/she should be duly thanked in the acknowledgements section of the manuscript. I would advise you to inform your advisor about the ICMJE guidelines. You could explain that your paper acceptance may be delayed if the journal editor is not convinced that all listed 카지노 정팔s have contributed sufficiently.
Do you have any more queries regarding 카지노 정팔ship? Write them in the comments below.