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What Editors Want: advice on winning the 카지노 룰렛판 game

야틴드라 요시 | 2013년11월11일 | 조회수 18,805
카지노 룰렛판

Few books come this close to providing sound advice on the intricacies of the 카지노 룰렛판 game as카지노 룰렛판 Editors Want: an author’s guide to scientific journal 카지노 룰렛판[1]. (The title of the chapter on preparing a manuscript for publication includes the phrase ‘카지노 룰렛판 editors wish you knew’.) The first chapter makes it clear who the book is for and why they should read it: ‘many young researchers have almost no idea of 카지노 룰렛판 obstacles they’ll encounter, and how to get to the finish line—a published paper—as quickly and painlessly as possible. The aim of this book is to address the needs of these novice authors.’

The authors make 카지노 룰렛판 clear early on that their book is not about wr카지노 룰렛판ing research papers but about getting published. Accordingly, the book begins by assuming that researchers have completed their research and have analysed the results and that the findings are new and valid, and takes 카지노 룰렛판 up from there. The early chapters tell readers how to judge whether their research is new and how to choose the right journal.

An innovative feature of the book are mini essays by other ‘officials in the 카지노 룰렛판 game’: journal editors, publishers and publication managers, librarians, media experts, and so on. You can read what the Executive Editor ofScience, for example, has to say on honesty in authorship and that ofPNAS (Proceedings of the [US] National Academy of Scienceson ethics in scientific 카지노 룰렛판.

The book will prove particularly useful to non-native speakers of English since it is based on the workshop the authors gave in mainland China. Several useful appendixes point readers to additional resources, up to date and carefully chosen, on 카지노 룰렛판 on writing, databases that offer free access to articles and abstracts, free or low-cost sources of images, and so on.

All in all, a welcome addition indeed to the already impressive series titled Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and 카지노 룰렛판.

[1] Benson P J and Silver S C. 2013.What Editors Want: an author’s guide to scientific journal 카지노 룰렛판. Univers카지노 룰렛판y of Chicago Press. 178 pp. [The year given in c카지노 룰렛판ations and references is the year that appears in the copyright notice; the book under review has already been published.]



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