Now that we have dealt with the use of footnotes in 메이저카지노사이트 in a general way [refer to the earlier posthere], let us consider some points of detail.
Formatting the 메이저카지노사이트 marker:A 메이저카지노사이트 marker should stand out from the surrounding text, which is why it is common to make the superscript letters or numerals used as 메이저카지노사이트 markers bold. It is even more helpful not only to make the marker bold but also to italicize it so that it leans away from the text that it qualifies.
Make sure that in setting the marker as a superscript, you are not making the character too small; if 메이저카지노사이트 is too small, e메이저카지노사이트her use a larger font size or increase the default value for superscripts used by the software package.
If the font that you are using includes proper superscript numerals, use those. You can see the difference for yourself by comparing a superscripted 2 w메이저카지노사이트h that obtained by pressing Alt + 0178 (2versus ²). You will notice that proper superscripts are as dark as the rest of the 메이저카지노사이트, whereas superscripted characters are lighter.
Lastly, check that the column alignment is intact: in a right-aligned column of numbers, for example, the number to which a 메이저카지노사이트 has been attached should not be pushed to the left to make room for the marker; instead, the marker is "hung," that is, it is placed to the right of the number but outside the column.
메이저카지노사이트 marker at the foot:Some journal publishers do away with the superscript when the marker is reproduced at the foot immediately before the text of the 메이저카지노사이트. The ² used as a 메이저카지노사이트 marker in the table, for example, will be printed as 2 at the foot of the table. These "unsuperscripted" characters are sometimes referred to as "in-line" characters. Observe the practice followed by the target journal and use that.
The text of the 메이저카지노사이트 begins immediately – with a minimal gap – after the 메이저카지노사이트 marker. If the superscript form is retained, beginning the text of the 메이저카지노사이트 with a capital letter can obscure the marker. Again, follow the style of the target journal.
Terminal 메이저카지노사이트:If the text of the 메이저카지노사이트 is a complete sentence or runs to more than a single sentence, use full stops (periods) as appropriate. If the text is a single word or a phrase or a sentence fragment, no terminal punctuation is required.
More than one 메이저카지노사이트 in a line:Short 메이저카지노사이트 are usually set as a block of text. In other words, the 메이저카지노사이트 are "run on" one after the other, separated with a single space, the block being as wide as the lines that make up the normal text or as wide as the table to which the 메이저카지노사이트 are attached. However, do not arrange the 메이저카지노사이트 in columns even if the target journal uses such a layout. It is then best to start each footnote on a fresh line and leave the layout to the publisher.
The following article gives a more detailed tutorial on how to present your 메이저카지노사이트 and figures for the best possible impact:How to use 메이저카지노사이트 and figures effectively to present your research findings.