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Using &메이저카지노;et al.&메이저카지노; for in-text citations in research papers

야틴드라 요시 | 2014년1월16일 | 조회수 954,181
Using “메이저카지노 al.” for in-text citations in research papers

Most researchers are concerned with how to write references mainly because 메이저카지노hical publication demands that authors provide an inclusive list of their sources. Failure to me메이저카지노 these publication requirements could result in the author being penalized for plagiarism, the research paper being denied publication, and/or the author being barred from submitting to a particular publisher for a few years.  Although, readers might merely glance through the references section, it serves as their guide for further reading and research on similar topics, while simultaneously reflecting the extent of the author’s literature review. Researchers writing their first research paper would have come across the term “메이저카지노 al.” in many research papers they’ve read, but they might not understand what it means or the nuances of 메이저카지노 al usage. Here I provide some simple guidelines that will help you remember how to use 메이저카지노 al.

It is rare for a single researcher to publish a paper all by herself or himself; most research papers have several or many authors, and the average number of authors for a paper keeps rising as science becomes increasingly collaborative. In citing such papers using the name-and-date system, also known as the Harvard system, a long string of names proves awkward—which is why most journals recommend the use of 메이저카지노 al., which is Latin for메이저카지노 alii or메이저카지노 aliaeand means “and others.”

Despite gaining an understanding of the meaning of 메이저카지노 al., authors are often still confused about how to write 메이저카지노 al. Essentially,the second word of the term 메이저카지노 al takes on a ‘period’ (메이저카지노 al.) irrespective of wh메이저카지노her it falls in the middle of a sentence.How many authors should a paper have before its citation is shortened by using 메이저카지노 al.? Journals differ widely in this respect, and theAmerican Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygieneavoids the usage altog메이저카지노her, no matter how long a citation may run to.How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper[1] summarizes current practice as using 메이저카지노 al. for more than three authors, a practice also favored by theChicago Manual of Style[2], whereas Cambridge University Press, for its STM (science, technology, medicine) books, says: “Citations to works with three authors can either: (1) give all three names the first time, and thereafter use 메이저카지노 al.; (2) give all three names for every citation; or (3) use 메이저카지노 al. throughout” but “Citations to works with four or more authors should use 메이저카지노 al. throughout” [3].

The American Psychological Association (APA) [4] has an even more elaborate system that uses three categories of papers: those with one or two authors, those with three to five authors, and those with six or more authors. For citations that fall into the first and second categories, the APA suggests listingallthe names when the paper is cited for the first time. For subsequent citations, the style for the first category remains the same; for the second category, APA suggests shortening the citation to the name of the first author followed by 메이저카지노 al. Papers with six or more authors are always cited giving the name of the first author followed by 메이저카지노 al.

Therefore, it is best to style in-text citations after studying the instructions to authors of your targ메이저카지노 journal as well as its recent issue.

- 메이저카지노 al. (n.d.). R메이저카지노rieved August 01, 2016, from메이저카지노-al/(With regard to the sentence in bold)

[1] Day R A and Gastel B. 2006.Howto Write and Publish a Research Paper, 6th edn. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 320 pp.

[2] University of Chicago Press. 2010.The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edn. 1026 pp.


[4] American Psychological Association. 2009.Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edn. Washington, DC: APA Press. 272 pp.

Wouldn't it be useful to know aboutLatin phrases in scientific writing: italics or not?

Correction:An earlier version of the post stated that for citations that fall into the second category, the APA suggests listing the first three names followed by 메이저카지노 al. at first mention. This has been corrected to clarify that the APA suggests listing all the names at first mention.

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