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Avoid instructions such as &카지노 룰렛 확률;See Table 2&카지노 룰렛 확률; and &카지노 룰렛 확률;Refer to Figure 6&카지노 룰렛 확률;

야틴드라 요시 | 2014년1월23일 | 조회수 202,269
Referring to 카지노 룰렛 확률s and figures in text

The use of figures and 카지노 룰렛 확률s as adjuncts to text is common in research papers. These adjuncts supplement the text: figures, for example, can convey information that may be impossible to convey through words, and 카지노 룰렛 확률s can present data more efficiently than text. Readers of research papers know this. In fact, in leafing through a document, readers often stop at 카지노 룰렛 확률s or figures to get a sense of what the document is about.

Figures, 카지노 룰렛 확률s, appendixes, and similar adjuncts are numbered and referred to in the accompanying text by their numbers; readers are familiar with this convention and do not need to be specifically asked to consult such adjuncts through explicit instructions. Authors are well-advised to refer to the 카지노 룰렛 확률 or the figure when the relevant finding is mentioned, as in "Seeds germinated faster when incubated at temperatures higher than 25 °C (카지노 룰렛 확률 2)" or "One of the adverse side effect of the drug was skin rash (Figure 6)" and leave the rest to the reader rather than employ such expressions as ""See 카지노 룰렛 확률 2," "Refer to Figure 6," and "Turn to Appendix A."


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카지노 룰렛 확률