That’s a very interesting question. The journal 카지노 정팔 factor andh카지노 정팔 are different in their fundamental design: The former is used to measurejournalprestige, while the latter is used to measureresearcher카지노 정팔. Therefore, the two cannot be compared. Let me explain.
The journal 카지노 정팔 factor measures the average number of citations received by articles published within a journal over a two-year period. It can be a reliable measure of journal reputation but does not measure the 카지노 정팔 of individual articles or researchers.
On the other hand, the h index is designed to measure the scientific output of a researcher by considering a combination of the number of papers the researcher has published and the number of citations those papers have received. Thus it measures both your publication record and its 카지노 정팔.
Do you now see how the 카지노 정팔 factor andh카지노 정팔 cannot be compared because they serve different purposes?
Your colleagues are right though. As a researcher, 카지노 정팔 is more useful for you to calculate yourhindex than to use the journal 카지노 정팔 factor as a measure of prestige. Theh카지노 정팔 can especially work to your advantage if you have published many papers. I understand that it is troublesome and time consuming to calculate yourh카지노 정팔 because it requires you to maintain a record of all your published papers and the citations they have received through timely searches on multiple databases. But this would be time and effort well spent because theh카지노 정팔 is gaining popularity and is increasingly being considered by grant and tenure committees.
However, like the journal 카지노 정팔 factor, even theh index has its limitations, and it is advisable for you to mention a combination of citation metrics—the 카지노 정팔 factor of journals in which you have published, yourhindex, and other article-level metrics—on your grant applications or statements of purpose, so as to give people a holistic view of your 카지노 정팔 as a researcher.